October 29, 2011

Tree hugger - Day 28

Necklace: Old Navy, Bracelet: Rue 21, Ring: Gift
 Again no outfit post yesterday! Sorry! This is from yesterday. I drove down to Madison from school, and Garrett and I met my parents and my cousin, Tyler, for dinner at The Melting Pot! It's my favorite restaurant, and normally I only get to go for my birthday (it's rather expensive) so last night was a treat!

I've been at Stevens Point too long. I'm actually hugging the trees. Haha.

 These pictures were taken in the park across the street from Garrett's apartment. I love all the fall colors!

 Tonight, Garrett and I are going to see the Milwaukee Ballet perform Dracula! I love ballets so I'm pretty excited. Garrett has never been to one before, so I think this is a good way to break him into going to them since Dracula will be pretty nontraditional.

Since I won't have time to post today's outfit today (I'm still in my pajamas!), I will post it tomorrow with my last outfit in my 30x30!!! I can't wait to show you guys all the other clothes I actually have! Ha.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Halloween weekend!


  1. i like the sweater over the button up!!


  2. Have so much fun at the ballet! I really wanted to see Dracula but I couldn't convince anyone to go with me :-( I love the Milwaukee Ballet's version of the Nutcracker though.


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