October 17, 2011

Ch-ch-ch-changes - Day 17

 Why yes, I did get my hair cut today! Thank you for noticing! That was a joke, A) because I rarely wear my hair down, I wouldn't expect anyone to really notice, and B) I'm trying to grow it out so I cut as little as possible off. But now that all my split ends are gone, my hair can grow nice and healthy. I'm officially limiting myself to only two days a week of blow drying and/or straightening.

 I love fall and playing in the leaves. Especially when the leaves are on the sidewalk and not in a lawn. Leaves on the lawn can be filled with bugs and gross stuff. Leaves on the sidewalk are just that, leaves on the sidewalk.

 My neighbor probably hates me. I got leaves all over his front steps. I tried cleaning them up!

I'm very happy to announce that I've been approved to join IFB! I'm excited to meet other bloggers and learn so much more about this community! :)
I am currently in the process of deciding on what I would like this blog to be about. This week I will be planning and organizing, so expect some changes. Hopefully, by the end of the weekend, everything on here will be a bit more clear. Wish me luck! If you have any suggestions, please comment or email me!


  1. love the haircut! i need one too because my split ends are so disgusting...
    cute pictures in the leaves haha


  2. i like your boots!



  3. Love your outfit AND your hair! So cute. It's a really flattering cut! I really need to get mine trimmed. I don't had the face shape to go short, so I'm sticking with long hair. Maybe it'll get down to my butt someday! (Actually, that would kind of suck to maintain. Scratch that.)


  4. You should wear your hair down more often then. It looks really good. I love your boots. Beautiful post!

  5. Thank you everyone!

    I'd love to wear my hair down more often, but it takes a lot more work to maintain it then. My hair is already damaged enough so I need to get it healthy first.


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