September 27, 2011

Oh, hello!

Well, I have spent enough time starting, stopping, and deleting this, it's about darn time I just do it.

Hello world! My name is Kati. I am a student, majoring in mathematics (eww, I know), and in my final semester. If that sounds boring/exciting/stressful all at the same time to you, you have hit the nail on the head. Because it is. I chose to identify myself more with the fashion guru I am currently turning myself into. I have piles and piles of magazines and cut outs, saved pictures on my computer, and an overflow of bookmarked fashion blogs I am currently in love with. Now, I think the time has come to move forward and finally documenting my own outfits.

The new adventure that this is for me, shall begin tomorrow...most likely. As I have a test in two days to study for. IloveschoolIloveschoolIloveschool. (My newest mantra.)


 photo envye.jpg
envye blogger theme