September 30, 2011

My 30x30 items

Alright, here are my 30x30 items!

3 blazers/button downs

8 sweaters

8 tops

1 dress, 3 pants, 2 skirts

and 5 pairs of shoes

(Math major remember?)

And this is where I will be keeping all my items for the month, so I don't forget what they are.

Wish me luck!

I'm feeling optimistic

Yay! It's Friday! It's been a long week and I couldn't be happier that the weekend is here. Well, it will be in a couple hours. I still have one more class to get to. Without further ado (yes, I had to look that up, just to make sure I was saying it right), my outfit for the day.

Tank: Delias, Sweater: Secondhand from a friend, Blazer: Wal-Mart, Jeans: Target, Shoes: Kmart

So, being the optimistic person that I am, (trust me, I am the queen of the silver lining) I have decided to go for the 30x30 challenge this early in my blog life. I figure a whole month is a good way of keeping track and then that leaves me with Halloween to dress up!
Wish me luck!

September 29, 2011

Ah, rain

The daily outfit destroyer.


Well, this morning did not go as planned. I woke up late, though thankfully not too late because otherwise I would have missed my exam (which didn't happen, thank goodness). But now that that's out of the way, we can move on to way more exciting things, like my outfit. :)

Top: Walmart, Tank: H&M, Pants: Secondhand, Shoes: Kmart, Necklace: Jewelmint

My pants I got from a friend that didn't want them anymore, and I refashioned them into skinny jeans. That is a skill/habit I have recently picked up after discovering C&C and thrifted things. Both Lizzie and Katherine are amazingly talented!

So now, I go to thrift stores, buy clothes I love, even if they are too big, and then take them home and refashion them. It's a lot more fun than I ever imagined it would be.
And now, I've even moved on to completely creating my own clothes! A couple weeks ago, I made my first dress and skirt. (Pictures to come soon!) Things got put on hold a little bit, since school start, but now with my new schedule I made, (you should see my day planner, I'm a little OCD sometimes) I should have more time for fun projects.

Another exciting thing, my new necklace from JewelMint. It's a pretty cool set up. You go to the website, sign up, take a quiz and they match jewelry to your style. Everything is $29.99 and free shipping! They are also associated with StyleMint which is for t-shirts. It's all rather cool. I still haven't bought a shirt from StyleMint yet, but I plan to soon!

Alright, I've blabbed on long enough for today. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thursday!

September 28, 2011

A little amateur...

I decided this was more fun than studying for my differential equations exam. Then again, it is 9:30 in the morning, what do you expect? These are just taken in my little apartment on my mac. That will have to do for now.

Top: Wet Seal, Tank: Wet Seal, Pants: Old Navy, Shoes: Kohls, Bow: Made by me

It is beautiful outside! Living in Wisconsin, you never really know what to expect with each changing season (snowing in May, 80 and sunny in October, it happens!). So I have to enjoy the sunshine and nice weather while it lasts.

September 27, 2011

Oh, hello!

Well, I have spent enough time starting, stopping, and deleting this, it's about darn time I just do it.

Hello world! My name is Kati. I am a student, majoring in mathematics (eww, I know), and in my final semester. If that sounds boring/exciting/stressful all at the same time to you, you have hit the nail on the head. Because it is. I chose to identify myself more with the fashion guru I am currently turning myself into. I have piles and piles of magazines and cut outs, saved pictures on my computer, and an overflow of bookmarked fashion blogs I am currently in love with. Now, I think the time has come to move forward and finally documenting my own outfits.

The new adventure that this is for me, shall begin tomorrow...most likely. As I have a test in two days to study for. IloveschoolIloveschoolIloveschool. (My newest mantra.)
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